C4D教程-科技感手表全息投影HUD界面动画制作 (英文字幕) Cinema 4D Creating Watches Scene

C4D教程-科技感手表全息投影HUD界面动画制作 (英文字幕) Cinema 4D Creating Watches Scene

2024-05-31 18:07:40

在本课程中将使用 Cinema 4D 和 Redshift 渲染器从头开始创建可穿戴设备(智能手表或健身追踪器)并使用其他HUD技术元素构建合成,还将打开 After Effects 来设计表盘。最终渲染将在 Redshift 的帮助下完成。

In this class we`ll use Cinema 4D and Redshift renderer to create from scratch a wearable (smartwatch or fitness tracker) and build a composition with additional technology elements, also we open After Effects to design a watch face. The final render will be done with help of Redshift.

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