C4D教程-学习制作冰激凌雪糕产品场景建模渲染Cinema 4D Masterclass Creating Ice Cream Product

C4D教程-学习制作冰激凌雪糕产品场景建模渲染Cinema 4D Masterclass Creating Ice Cream Product

2024-05-30 22:49:32

学习制作冰激凌雪糕产品场景建模渲染,通过本课程学习产品建模的基础知识,并将您的技能快速提升到新的水平。本课程旨在通过教您成为专业设计师所需的技能(Cinema 4d、Redshift、Photoshop 等),将您从初级水平提升到专业水平。如果您是3D建模师、图形设计师,并且想要扩展您的知识,那么这本书适合您,以便在您的职业生涯中取得更多成就。

I’m not going to say that I’m a Maxon Certified Cinema 4D Instructor But I’m a professional 3D modeler and product designer who’s going to take you during this exciting journey to show you how to start a Product from scratch starting from an empty project to modelling, texturing, lighting, rendering and creating a Social Media Poster.

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