C4D插件-地面吸附对齐工具 Snap To Floor V1.5 Win/Mac

C4D插件-地面吸附对齐工具 Snap To Floor V1.5 Win/Mac

2024-05-30 22:34:25

插件Snap To Floor可以实时预览,您可以在场景中旋转对象,模型将始终保持在Y轴上的最低点。 这使动画制作任何滚动对象的动画变得轻而易举!

Snap To Floor is similar to the drop to floor plugin here on the site except that it’s live! You can rotate your object in the scene and your model will always keep its lowest point on the Y axis. This makes animating things like animating any rolling objects a breeze!

支持Win/Mac系统  Cinema 4D R15-2023

  • 百度云盘
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