实拍视频场景特效合成 Blender and After Effects VFX Masterclass

实拍视频场景特效合成 Blender and After Effects VFX Masterclass

2024-04-21 17:28:35

在这个激动人心的课程中,您将学习如何通过将3D对象和角色添加到任何真人场景中来创建奇妙的世界。将首先逐步完成摄像机跟踪过程,然后将了解如何将3D对象或角色添加到场景中。您还将学习如何添加阴影以及如何将 3D 场景中的灯光与实景镜头相匹配。接下来将重点关注渲染通道以及如何渲染多层 EXR 序列,最后您将学习如何使用 Adob​​e After Effects 将这些不同的渲染通道合成在一起。还将学习如何使用 Cryptomattes 轻松遮罩对象以进行特定调整,而无需从 Blender 重新渲染。进行一些 Rotoscoping,了解如何使用 TrackMattes,最后对镜头进行颜色分级,添加一些胶片颗粒以将所有内容混合在一起,并渲染最终的 VFX 镜头。

In this exciting course you will learn how to create fantastic worlds by adding 3D objects & characters into any live action scene. We will begin by going step by step through the Camera Tracking process, then we will look at how you can add 3D objects or characters to the scene. You will also learn how to add shadows and how to match the lighting in your 3D scene to the live action footage. Next we will focus on Render Passes and how to render a multilayer EXR sequence, and finally you will learn how to composite these different render passes together using Adobe After Effects.

  • 百度云盘
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